Typical all weld metal composition, %:
- C – 0.07
- Si – 0.2
- Mn – 0.5
Yield stress: 450 MPa
Tensile strength: 540 MPa
Elongation: 24 %
Classifications: SFA/AWS A5.1E6013 EN 499E 42 2 RB 12; ISO 2560 Е 51 4 RR 24
- DB 10.039.14
- GL 2
- LR 2
- UDT-EN 499 Е 42 2 RB 12
- VdT
OK 50.40 is an all-round electrode for the positional welding of mild steel, also well suited for pipe welding. It is particularly good for welding in the vertical-up position and for welding root runs.